June 16, 2009


Pedro and Adriana's Cob Temascal Sweat Lodge is one of the wonderful natural buildings near Share-It Square. I had the pleasure of applying an earthen finish plaster and installing a sculpted face within the walls of the building.

The face, sculpted by Lynn, had previously been a part of a Share-It Square Bench. The bench had been deconstructed and re-built. The face, being so beautiful, had been saved...waiting patiently for a new home. I sawed and chiseled off the remaining bulk of the bench and then carved away a place in the sauna's interior to place her.

The experience of angel paring and wall deconstruction furthered my awareness and belief in the strength of cob! So strong and heavy! I am looking forward to a sweat later this week. :)

Above is the sauna. The yellow building in the background is Portland's first code approved straw bale addition. It is so lovely and it is 300 sq ft

I taught paint and plaster classes during the VBC. We made and applied different colored aliz around the windows before the finish plaster was applied.
We also installed an angel face.Two Angel faces! Adriana and Santiago.Annette and Adriana place thoughtful blessings in the wall.


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