December 21, 2007


These images are from our first ceramic firing in the horno Max and Claudio made in Golandrinas! We gather the clay from a nearby mountain. I am in awe of the transformation that happens when the pieces are fired.


raku is so incredible....the colors dance freely on the pieces, forever leaving a memory of the fire.

December 12, 2007

C.I.D.E.P.- Centro de Investigación, Desarrollo y Enseñanza en Permacultura (

Rio Azul

The amazing river...

The first eggs!!

Solar ovens and the new greenhouse in process-

Alex makes cheese!! And his beautiful door-

Denali´s house in process and Alex´s magic brine-

Alex´s house-

Oh the trees!

New herb spiral and Nube-

Orach, El Ranchito and Lelani