August 24, 2008
August 13, 2008
∞ Camera Obscura 1 - Infinity ∞
Not to long ago I was involved in a collaborative project sponsored by Gallerie Merid, in Stuttgart, Germany. The project “Camera Obscura” is comprised of photographs taken by individuals from around the world using only a basic pinhole camera.
The cameras are shared by two people in different locations. Once the first person has exposed their half of the film it is then their responsibility to send it to the next pinhole operator who then exposes his side of the camera and forwards it back the the gallery.
The possibilities are endless as images overlap and in some strange way seem to connect to one another without any preconceived plan. I find this like a global quilting project.
Above on the left is pinhole 137 by me, and on the right 138 by Roland Sander of Berlin, Germany. I exposed my half on a beautiful Portland day under the Saint John's Bridge.
Many people also decorate their half of the camera cover. The middle photo shows the box I shared with Roland. Mine is a colored collage of birds sharing a seeds across the globe. The bottom photo is what they sent me in the mail. Yeah!
At the time of this posting the website is having troubles but you can usually check out the project online at My photo is displayed at