Riverfront Farm Eco-House

The rafters in place.
Opening the oven!
Attaching the metal roof.

Spokane is Ready for GREEN JOBS NOW!

Using local materials and our creativity, we made an earthen oven at Riverfront Farm in Spokane, Washington. The project was a part of "Green Jobs Now: National Day of Action to Build the New Economy", in which we joined with 700 communities and 50,000 people across the North America. The workshop was organized by Community Minded Enterprises . The oven will be part of a bigger outdoor kitchen and bandshell and will used by the neighborhood and by “Project HOPE” toward the development of youth micro enterprise projects.
What a lucky oven to be in a bountiful garden and with such kind people living around it!
These photos were just sent to me by Garbriel of the most recent oven party at the farm! 2/10/09 :)